It is even worse than you may realize.


The degree of harm grows with each infection. These include a 13-14% risk of a new autoimmune disease with each infection. That is risk for an individual - impact for populations and society. Then add a similar 13-14% 'risk' of reactivating or exacerbating previously developed autoimmune diseases. Anyone with long standing autoimmune disease, likely has 6 or 7 autoimmune diseases in a complex, not just one. This means a near certainty of active autoimmune disease following every infection for those who already have such diseases. Each is disabling.

Immune destruction:

Each infection carries a serious level of damage to the adaptive immune system. Inside of 3 or 4 infections, a syndrome indistinguishable from AIDS may develop with even worse consequences in loss of adequate immune response to other diseases. As a consequence, diseases that were a nuisance, become dangerous or lethal.

Accelerated Aging:

Through at least three different mechanisms (organ and brain injury; methylation of the epi-genome; and truncation of the telomeres), each infection adds to the existing age. The biological age rapidly diverges from the chronological age. Each infection costs about 10 years equivalent of aging from damage to organs and brain. Each infection adds about 7 years in aging from methylation of the epi-genome. Each infection adds age dependent aging from truncation of the telomeres roughly equal to 35 years for new borns. 27 years for 20 year olds. 18 years for 40 year olds,10 years for 60 year olds - as assessed based on their biological age at infection, not their calendar age.

As a result, a new born infected three times one year apart is likely biologically something approaching 69 years age, Though it no doubt takes time for that to reflect in biological impacts.

Then there is the accumulating impact of clotting defects from damage to the complimentary immune system and long-COVID with immense impacts to every system of the body.

The point here being that much of this harm happens and cannot be undone by the time a second infection has occurred. The lag from the infection and recovery from those infections combined with the annual or twice annual rate of infection for most people, and the complete lack of efforts to inform the public or control the spread, and that we are now entering the fifth year of the pandemic mean that we are only now beginning to see the impacts accumulated from two years ago. These will no doubt rise dramatically over the next year and the years to follow.

The result will be catastrophic to society. By ten years, most of those who chose not to seriously protect themselves may be gone.

Then there are the things we don't know or aren't certain about. It is now fairly certain that SARS-CoV-2 increases the rates of cancer. Add that to the immune system damage and the results are not pretty.

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"our relative privilege as citizens of the imperial core could only ever last so long."

Correct. And it is coming to an end right now. Covid or no covid, doesn't matter. Though

covid will no doubt accelerate what was already inevitable.

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How can we properly control for the cause of this trend, though? For all we know, the vaccines (which launched less than a year after the virus, and would equally as well track with the surge) are just as much to blame for negative long-term effects as the disease itself.

To be clear, I'm no vaccine conspiracy nutcase (I got the MRNA vaccines and booster), and they work great for the vast majority of people. But there's far than more enough edge cases (even at fractions of %s) to drive these numbers.

To wit, I developed severe long-term reactions to the vaccines that nobody in the healthcare system seemed at all interested in better understanding or even reporting.

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Thanks for sharing that and I hope you are able to get help with the severe long term reactions. I would suggest looking into the treatments offered by those who believe they are treating vaccine injuries

In my case I believe it to be completely clear that the excess mortality and disability increases are being caused more by the vaccine than the virus. Either way it’s man made ☣️

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The jab is causing these issues and deaths, just like it was planned to do. Covid was never real.

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You're fucking insane.

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Sure pal. LMAO. We won't miss your kind.

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We? Who would that be? The scientists who sounded the alarm on the virus? The readership of this blog who are rightly concerned about the virus? All the children who will not be vaccinated by their parents and as a result die from preventable disease, because of the vaccine and public health misinformation people like you are so keen on?

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Those scientists are controlled by Bill Gates and Fauci. Do you have a Windows computer? I wonder what kind of blackmail Bill has on you. You haven't done any research and don't realize the tests were fake because Covid 19 was never isolated. If it wasn't isolated, you can't test for it. Also, Pfizer tried to hide the known side effects for 70 years. Those side effects are what's killing people because they basically gave you HIV in the jab -- it destroys your immune system more with each jab. That's why so many people are getting clots that get easily infected and costs them arms and legs via amputation. Some clots cause strokes, some cause heart attacks. Have you seen the clots that embalmers are finding in bodies since the vax? Pretty hard to live long with blocked veins and arteries, so if that doesn't get you, just wait. Cancer rates are skyrocketing along with all-cause mortality rates, and they're getting worse and worse. I guess ignorance is bliss, huh?

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Yes, AND this virus affects the brain. A young scientist, very smart, who bought UV-filters early on … told us last year he never had it. I have several messages saying otherwise.

Hordes of young people at the university hospital who cannot put their phones away. Before 2021 this was a rare sight. Now it’s the majority on some days … while there is ice on the sidewalk.

Apathy, exhaustion, memory losses, toxoplasmosis reactivation, depression, endogenous opioids, hypometabolic prefrontal cortex? There is probably SARS-Cov2 variant for everything. 20 years of aging in people with LC, accelerating dementia …

I post (rant) in Swedish blogs occasionally. They are not protesting anymore, once I even got a question. But instead of getting used to masks they are getting used to the constant illnesses, even welcoming the break from work it offers.

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I am in the US and I suspect that some people here are so unhappy in the capitalist hellscape that they welcome disability, especially if it comes from their job. It’s the only break they foresee plus propaganda has a lot of people thinking that people who get food stamps are eating lobster and steak regularly, so I understand why someone working hard struggling to survive might believe becoming disabled isn’t a bad thing.

But here in the US for most people it’s below poverty level living, plus you have to feel sick every day. Being at home with all the time in the world to do hobbies and house projects is great unless you don’t have any energy to do anything. Then it gets boring.

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Of course the situation in Sweden is better (health care and social security) but I don’t really think there is a wide spread idea that it would be a particularly comfortable situation to live on benefits permanently. But in their day-to-day-life, working while struggling with newly developed health issues a clear cut illness (theirs or their kids‘) that is perceived as temporary might feel like a relief. And this is definitely collectively normalized and presented as inevitable.

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"our relative privilege as citizens of the imperial core could only ever last so long."

Correct. And it is coming to an end right now. Covid or no covid, doesn't matter.

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There's a prediction market inspired by this post on a free play-money prediction market: https://manifold.markets/Fion/was-covid-a-mass-disabling-event?r=Rmlvbg

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So our wonderful upper crust wants to deny the terrible toll that COVID takes. That their revenue streams might be jeopardized by mitigating measures is too much for them to contemplate. Their lack of concern is duly noted. The annual Davos stroke fest now features copious HEPA filtration indoors with many meetings outdoors. So their neglect of our welfare is not from ignorance.

What is ignorant about their world view is the expectation that productivity and their prosperity in tandem will rise and rise.

This planet is finite and therefore so are its resources. Growth has constraints. Two of those are top soil and fresh water. Rapacious corporate capitalism is laying waste to both. In addition among our fellow animals many are in danger of extinction; and due to world wide shipping many regions' native plant species are being subsumed by hitchhiking invaders.

My guess is Mother Nature is indifferent to class. If your species is a threat she will take action.

COVID is a warning, our overlords should heed it.

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deletedFeb 9
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no that particular quote was from a researcher in 2022

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