I fear that it is more than mere money that drives our billionaires. They realize that the money in circulation in no way corresponds with productive capacity and is no way is predictive of productive potential. That they are able to obtain deeds to large tracts of land, a real asset, from the proceeds of money arbitrage, an intangible asset is truly criminal. These purchases need to become part of our commons. This repossession is not theft, it is the only path forward for a better outcome for our Earth and its inhabitants.

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And don’t forget that no precautions to prevent aerosol transmission of viruses like COVID are in place, putting the pedal to the metal for breeding new increasingly transmissible variants. The 100% industry-populated HIC-PAC committee has just advised the CDC to strip existing infection-control measures that were in place in 2007! Why? To save the industry money. They say this openly. Hospitals will provide only less expensive surgical masks to nurses, though these masks do not protect them against airborne viruses! The unprotected nurse will then pollinate each patient with disease as he/she moves from room to room. Isolation precautions become optional. Hospitals will no longer have to comply with 2007 standards. Pretending the pandemic is over and minimizing the huge mass-disabling effects of long COVID/PASC makes monied interests more money in the short term. Your life and health do not matter to policy makers.

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in canada eh - we should be examining - & appraising - toward Stabilizing the Holy Moly Economy -

Canadians can direct this Government accordingly - tuning it for Adaptability - Resilience - Vision

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