In time, the leaders who abrogated precaution and public health measures will get the condemnation they deserve. It's coming -- only in a few decades. In that time the toll of needless death and suffering will go on unabated.

And we consider ourselves civilized ...

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.. a MUST READ IT (& reap.. .. then weep 🦎🏴‍☠️)

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You are one heck of a doomer! If Bear is your actual name, it's very fitting! Most have moved on.

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Most of who? The millions who died or lost loved ones to acute covid infection? The millions more who are still suffering from debilitating sequelae months or years after infection?

What do you think is an appropriate response to such recklessness from governments worldwide? To credible evidence of greater health threats for decades to come?

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Don’t always look to government. Let people make their own healthcare decisions.

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LOL the government is who's telling you to "move on"! Maybe you should stop looking to the government

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