I wish it were possible to construct a coherent argument that you were overstating our overlords' complete disregard for us, their subjects, welfare. Ahem, it's not possible!

I shared this article on Mastodon social. I wish that my reach was many orders of magnitude greater. Thanks for your brave and persistent advocacy.

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Of course. And thanks for sharing

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Nate Bear

Thank you so much for your eloquent article.

This makes me feel so much less alone with this perspective

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Thank you so much for sharing

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Just to clarify: the article you cited as being published in Nature was actually published by an ancillary publication, Nature Reviews Immunology.

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Thank you once again for this speaking truth. You continue to emboldened me!

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My summation, which the ongoing Covid episode and so much more, should've made clear to most by now, has been "Dystopia is our reality and those who aren't profitable, are expendable." People who can, must start organizing their communities, local or otherwise, to meet existential needs which neglect, crisises of supply and climate should have by now made it obvious, are both planned, and consequences too late to avoid. But the distracting narrative machine, endlessly amplifying divisions, false hopes and consumptive addiction, insures very few will escape a lifelong paradigm of deception to act cooperatively, in time to mitigate the now unavoidable suffering to come. I'm trying to inspire more to escape from illusions, and begin to forge cooperation now. I don't see anything with a higher ROI, as I watch horrid things evolve, shrouded in end-state gaslighting inspiring fascism and met by ineffective reactivity, as dystopia evolves umimpeded.

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