Jan 3Liked by Nate Bear

Sadly I know so many sick right now. It’s preventable by wearing goggles and a mask. I personally am vaccinated with Novavax which has protected me. I had a total of 4 doses and get it every 6 months because as an RN I can’t trust those around me to stay free of infection. COVID isn’t mild. It destroys and damages and these mass reinfections just weaken everyone. Am so sorry to hear this news but am not surprised. One family went to get pavloxid at a cost of $1700 which the government is not going to fund anymore. All of this can be avoided by simply wearing PPE. ❤️

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So we are down to natural selection: those that adapt by wearing masks and employing other prophylactic measures avoid infection and the host of organ debilitating complication that those infections can confer. Nature afforded us the ability to think, too bad that most are not.

The behavior in all aspects of corporate communication which says falsely, "It's over!" is staggering in its malevolence. Study after study document the lasting damage these infections can confer, to not acknowledge this body of work is simply shameful and frankly deceitful. Yes, this paragraph makes a point repetitively, but the daily dose of misinformation is repeated over and over.

How those that deliberately misinform can subject children to their whims is beyond my comprehension.

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Infection control collapsed here in the US too. I woke up to an email from Mass General in Boston explaining that because transmission levels are high doctors will finally start wearing masks in the room with people, but we don’t have to wear a mask. But if we choose to wear a mask we also have to put a facility issue mask on top of ours. Or we can go without a mask entirely. Oh, and also if you’ve had contact with someone who has Covid within 10 days they want to know but if you have Covid and it’s been more than five days they don’t care. Come on in. It’s absolutely insane and I’m so happy I don’t rely on Hospital for day-to-day healthcare because they are trying to kill the vulnerable.

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My earlier comment received two thoughtful replies from Laura RN BSN and Maggie. Their other comments along Andy Lay's have added additional context to Nate's article.

What scares me most about COVID infection is its effect on cognitive function. Like Maggie, I have noticed people in occupations of trust just simply neglecting to perform what should be routine job practices.

But most worrisome is the uptick in aggressive driving. I am a former professional triathlete for whom cycling is still one of life's joys. I have switched from road to mountain to minimize the time spent interacting with massive mobile metal objects driven by those with far too frequent spells of inattention or rage at having to avoid my peddling self.

I truly hope that this article gets read widely and it aids people in recalibrating their daily routine.

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We are not over the worst effects of the pandemic. We may be over the stage when the acute phase of infection kills millions each month (and not all the most vulnerable are yet dead but are living our lives in a state of constant shielding and segregation from society, possibly the biggest resegregation of disabled people from mainstream society in generations) but the worst effects are yet to come with the stark effects of a mass disabling event with millions, perhaps billions of people chronically disabled. We can see already see this in the response of the UK government which wants to force all disabled people into labouring on threat of our losing social security and/or disability payments, partly led by the large increase in people claiming disability payments due to the effects of COVID. https://dpac.uk.net/2023/11/press-release-disabled-people-not-coasting-on-benefits/ We also have to consider what the dead eyed response from capitalism will do if, perhaps when, SARS-CoV-2 mutates to a strain that almost totally evades vaccines and/or another pandemic of equal magnitude appears.

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Very good. Fully agree.

Denial is huge, and I so much hope we will get collectively past this stage ASAP.

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