Tying Argentina to the $U.S.? Yes, Argentina's debt is primarily denominated in dollars, but without a printing press, the populace keeps the pain and the neoliberal oligarchs keep the gains from selling off Argentinian assets.
This is corporate capitalism's purpose: buy the most feckless, inefficient, and immoral governance possible so that any succeeding government is guaranteed to be even worse. Then rake in more profit.
Tying Argentina to the $U.S.? Yes, Argentina's debt is primarily denominated in dollars, but without a printing press, the populace keeps the pain and the neoliberal oligarchs keep the gains from selling off Argentinian assets.
This is corporate capitalism's purpose: buy the most feckless, inefficient, and immoral governance possible so that any succeeding government is guaranteed to be even worse. Then rake in more profit.
Sounds like US GOP