"How many cancer patients, transplant patients or critically-ill people have been infected in a hospital with the the world’s leading cause of death by infectious disease? How many ended up dead as a result?"

My mom is one of them. She had cancer and was in a rehab facility to build up her strength for (hopefully) chemo. She caught Covid there and died in a hospital, of Covid, a week later, in September 2022. Her cancer was quite advanced and it's likely she didn't have much longer, but she certainly had more than a week. We were hoping for maybe one more Christmas, or at least one more Thanksgiving, but it was not to be. I'm still furious about it, and I'm furious that this is still happening.

(I was by her bedside much of that last week, masked up in respirators that I changed regularly. I did not catch Covid.)

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Horrendous. I'm so sorry. This is just all so terrible

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It is. I can't believe this is the real world. :-(

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I’m so sorry, it makes me furious that they are forcing us to get sick when seeking health.

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One would think that public spaces should be safe. That is a reasonable expectation and we recognize that exceptions can occur: gun violence (I'm a Yank) and associated acts of nature.

Instead of taking responsibility to maintain safe environs the response has been a barrage of deadly propaganda. Which is conveniently reinforced by wishful thinking.

For one, consider the projection of parents decrying the horrible mask mandates for school children. Yes, it is true, I did not wear one as a child, but there was no need. But I remember doing unpalatable acts simply because my parents deemed them necessary. Eating vegetables and swallowing a teaspoon of cod liver oil daily were two. Going to my ridiculously competitive private prep school five damn days a week was another. But my parents insisted.

Those are the quaint old days. Now schools are viral development centers. How school administrators cope with their willful infliction of a deadly virus on children is one for future historians to explain. What will become of these kid's life expectancy is another.

I won't delve into the subject of this article. Nate Bear provides all the sickening detail of the abandonment of caution in hospitals.

We are a collective of lost souls. Allowing a undeniably dangerous disease to spread and to prey upon school children is beneath contempt.

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And pregnant women…having premature babies, still births, babies with congenital abnormalities

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My mother was one of them. Unmasked medical professionals, checking if that spot on her lung was cancer after 70 years of chain smoking (surprise! It was not). But she was dead in a week. Actually, it felt like she was dead in an afternoon. She went in with Covid, and since she was an elderly 80lb lady they admitted her. She'd been doing okay, I'd talked to her that afternoon. Then she went downhill so quickly that I had to say goodbye on the phone, and listen as she died, a thousand miles away, where I couldn't get to her.

She was an extraordinarily difficult woman, but as I hear Jacqueline Rose quote Freud this week on a podcast -- we all deserve our own death. She did not get her own death.

I'll be angry about it for the rest of my days, just like I'm still angry about my friend Michael in 1994, who died from a different eugenics, the one against early AIDs patients.

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Just awful, so sorry

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Oh thanks. The eugenics is shocking. My partner lost his mother about the same time, a slower trajectory, but a cascade of medical errors and indifference that were horrifying. Covid really broke what was left of our shitty for-profit medical system.

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I worked in public health 2019-21 and in hc till i got long covid…

As long as the billionaires keep getting paid..they don’t care how many of us die.

And don’t look to government-

Look at how they treat the native Americans…that’s how much they care about us..

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Oh .

Thank you for sharing

I am so sorry

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Of course our military lied about the dangers of radiation that they caused. They also destroyed the water around Pease Air Force Base in NH (and all the others I assume) the daycare on the base was giving kids water full of forever chemicals for years, as were the restaurants, hotels, medical offices, etc.

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Don't you know, this the plan. The corporations don't care. All they care about is having enough bodies to keep up with the demand for their products. People are just statistics on HR's payroll report. As long as the rich elite can still get the best health care money can buy, no one else matters. They only think in the short term. How much money can I make today. Nothing else matters. Until someday they run out of live bodies. But that is the other unpublished reason they are getting behind AI. The more automated their factories become, the less live bodies they will need to keep it all running. Less bodies to pay for, the less they care about lower class humans. Those sci fi movies of a future where machines do everything is the next phase of human evolution, if the corporate world has any say about it. We are starting to see now what happens when humans don't mean much to the bottom line anymore.

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Serfs have never mattered-

But many people don’t see themselves as serfs- but we are

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Why are there more tb cases? Why are there more shingles cases?

Why would our govts tell us the truth? In the usa, they have lied to us since January 2020…

They will continue to act like covid is a bad cold. Period.

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Follow the money. We are in a phase of end-stage capitalism. We as individuals don’t matter, only our buying power.

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So sorry…

We live in covid19 hell.

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“With masks and air filtration these are entirely preventable deaths.”

Masks?!? You must be joking. You have great points otherwise.

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If the problem is the Covid spike protein, does it matter if it was injected into the body and distributed in the body or inhaled through the respiratory system. Seems to me, Either method exposed you to risk.

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We conspiracy theorists told you to not trust The Experts.

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I'd love to subscribe. I first came across you via OK Doomer. I got a paid subscription to OK Doomer, and then she ceased posting - lots of concerned messages for her as it's been over a month and we used to get something nearly daily. I can't afford to pay for another subscription until the OK Doomer one ends. 🤷‍♀️

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I'm a bit worried too. I hope we see her back soon

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She posted on X on January 30th.

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Thanks. yes, I saw something yesterday! Guess she's been busy! ::)

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She’s working on some projects- but she is okay- per her twitter post

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